In the following list, you can find more information about Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten's books.
In the following list, you can find more information about Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten's books.
Environmental sustainability
A Guide to a Healthier Planet:
Scientific Insights and Actionable Steps to Help Resolve Climate, Pollution and Biodiversity Issues
This successor volume builds upon the first book with additional chapters meant to inspire readers to take action towards a healthier planet. This book focuses on closing the gap between scientific insights on pressing environmental issues that do not often reach the general public, and putting that scientific knowledge in the hands of everyday people who can use these insights to take action against climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The goal of this work is to share fascinating facts about nature and sustainability to inspire taking action toward a healthier planet, and to provide ideas on how we can take action to solve environmental issues in an informed and easy-to-understand way.
Der Weg zu einem gesünderen Planeten:
Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und konkrete Schritte für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Dieses Buch ist eine Brücke zwischen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und alltäglichem Handeln für einen gesünderen Planeten. Von der Bewältigung des Klimawandels bis zur Reduzierung von Umweltverschmutzung und dem Schutz der Artenvielfalt bietet dieses Buch leicht verständliche, faszinierende Fakten und praxisnahe Lösungen für jeden, der einen positiven Beitrag für die Umwelt leisten möchte.
A Guide to a Healthier Planet:
Scientific Insights and Actionable Steps to Help Resolve Climate, Pollution and Biodiversity Issues
This book focuses on closing the gap between scientific insights on pressing environmental issues that do not often reach the general public, and putting that scientific knowledge in the hands of everyday people who can use these insights to take action against climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The goal of this work is to share fascinating facts about nature and sustainability to inspire taking action toward a healthier planet, and to provide ideas on how we can take action to solve environmental issues in an informed and easy-to-understand way.
365 Sustainable Decisions Challenge
365 ideas to live more sustainably
Would you like to live more environmentally friendly, without making big changes in your daily life?
If so, then this book is for you: the 365 ideas to live more sustainably are easy to put into practice.
Available in English, German, and Dutch
Muisje, boontje, beetje
Nederlandse verkleinwoorden met een bijzondere betekenis
Muisje, boontje, beetje is about diminutives with special meanings. There are a lot of diminutives. Usually, diminutives refer to a small version of something. For example, a "hondje" is a small dog and a "stoeltje" is a small chair. But with many diminutives, it's not so simple. Consider "sprookje" (fairy tale), for example; the root form "sprook" does not exist. The same applies to expressions and sayings such as "huisje, boompje, beestje"; the diminutives cannot be replaced by their roots.
In Muisje, boontje, beetje, more than 1000 such diminutives are described. The descriptions, explanations and facts help to better understand the different meanings and to look critically at the Dutch language. Furthermore, the many examples in this book make reading a feast of recognition. For language students, teachers and many others who work with language, professionally or otherwise; highly recommended!
Alles kla(a)r? Valse vrienden tussen het Duits en Nederlands
Alles kla(a)r? is the reference work to protect Dutch people who speak German and Germans who speak Dutch from slipping up. There are many words between the two languages that are written or pronounced (almost) exactly the same, but mean something completely different. Such words are known as false friends, derived from the English “false friends. If you think that bubbles, Kleinkind and Winkel, for example, will mean the same thing in both languages, you are unsuspectingly completely wrong. After all, the correct Dutch translations of these words are bark, kleinkind and hoek. This confusion also exists with the words repair (manufacture) and Ziel (purpose) which are written and/or pronounced almost the same. The tendency to want to translate literally can also cause misunderstandings. For example, Gegenstand is not an opposition but an object. If there is opposition, you should use Widerstand.
This book describes the most common false friends between German and Dutch. There are over 400 of them. The description and explanation of the words helps you avoid such linguistic pitfalls. The book is an indispensable supplement to dictionary and grammar. In addition, getting to know these so-called “friends” is also entertaining because of the many unexpected misunderstandings they can evoke. All kla(a)r?
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